Проект„Визия за Зрение“ се изпълнява с финансова подкрепа в размер на 116,000 евро, предоставена от Исландия, Лихтенщайн и Норвегия по линия на Финансовия механизъм на ЕИП. Основната цел на проект „Визия за зрение“ е да повиши гражданската осведоменост и тази на централните и местни власти относно броя и проблемите на хората със зрителни увреждания
Bulgaria is among the countries whose unmet eye and visual health needs are, on average, more than 4 times higher than those in high income countries, with the needs among the vulnerable population groups exceeding that number many times over. There is no established
mechanism for coordination at central and local administrative levels between the health, social and education sectors, intended to provide measures for limiting blindness and guaranteeing the rights of those affected.
Currently, there are approximately 2.2 billion people in the world living with impaired vision or blindness; with over 1 billion of them, this condition could have been prevented or still needs care. According to the World Report on Vision of the World Health Organization (WHO)
published in October 2019, the leading causes of the growing number of visually impaired people are the aging populations, lifestyles, limited access to eye care, particularly in the low and middle-income countries. The severity of the eye diseases and impaired vision is unevenly
distributed; it is significantly higher among the population in the disadvantaged geographical regions, among low-income people, women, the aging population, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities. The people with severe visual impairments cannot participate in social life and reach their full potential due to lack of access to rehabilitation care.
„Ретина България“ публикува резюмето на доклада за състоянието на зрителното здраве в България на английски език. Можете да го намерите и в страница Публикации.